Browsing Archive: americorps-vista.php, 2011

American Idealist: R. Sargaent Shriver

Posted by NWA VISTA on Wednesday, January 26, 2011,

I initially came to know about the legendary Sarge Shriver in my Sociology class at Madison, WI. After learning the role he played in creating programs such as "war on poverty," VISTA, Head Start and really activating youth culture to move forward and make impact against social injustices, I was really interested in learning more about his life. Since being in college isn't really conducive to reading about inspiring and interesting people (I was buried under tons of research and regression...

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Justice Talking - The History Teacher

Posted by NWA VISTA on Friday, January 14, 2011,

Back in October I had an opportunity to attend a Justice Talking training. Justice talking is an exercise designed to invite reflection about civically engaged activity. The rationale behind this exercise is that civically engaged people (can be anyone VISTAs, your co-workers, volunteers, etc.) want to think more deeply and to talk more comfortably with colleagues about the beliefs and opinions that inform their activity. Moreover, this dialogue through reflection will help strengthen the ...

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Community development is challenging, painstaking work.

NWA VISTA The people and organizations who invest in trying to strengthen its practice know better than any stakeholder that the road is rocky. Deepening our understanding of any initiative’s strengths offers us an advantageous perspective to learn from and built upon previous work. Pondering its shortcomings can been sobering and humbling experience as well. It teaches the lesson that criticizing the mistakes of others is vastly easier than figuring out how to do this difficult work better. The purpose of this blog is to learn from innovative ideas, share experiences and move forward building stronger and healthier communities.

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