I initially came to know about the legendary Sarge Shriver in my Sociology class at Madison, WI. After learning the role he played in creating programs such as "war on poverty," VISTA, Head Start and really activating youth culture to move forward and make impact against social injustices, I was really interested in learning more about his life. Since being in college isn't really conducive to reading about inspiring and interesting people (I was buried under tons of research and regression models), I became familiar with his ideas and his life's work while serving as a VISTA in San Antonio. Reading about his grassroots level based Chicago beginnings and learning about the ways he led highly controversial social programs, I was inspired and motivated to staying committed.

Please use the blogspot below to share your memories and inspirational moments of a fellow Idealist. 

Feel free to browse through these links to learn how he has inspired many other people: Debbie Wise (a real person), Bono (lead singer of U2), American Idealist Documentary, R. Sargent Shriver's obituary comment section ( comments in this section are inspiring in themselves).